Educational & Inspirational Speaker
Teaching Craft Talks Workshops Readings
For more information, to discuss availability, scheduling, or fees/contribution,
please contact me: [email protected]
Teaching Craft Talks Workshops Readings
For more information, to discuss availability, scheduling, or fees/contribution,
please contact me: [email protected]

- In addition to speaking and offering workshops and inservice for educators, I also work with individuals.
- Writing to discover who you are,
Writing Coach for poetry, memoir, spiritual autobiography, personal growth & transformation, essay, & short or long form fiction.
- Want to write your life story?
- Have a poetry manuscript?
- Want to leave a legacy to family?
- Have a spiritual memoir or event that needs telling?
- Finally want to get that novel done?
- Are interested in publishing?
I can help you start a project, critique & edit one, or design
custom writing classes for individuals or small groups.
Generally, I help a person design a writing project or develop an existing one over a time period that works for them, with weekly feedback, critique, & advice. These can run from 4 to 12 weeks. I also do manuscript assessment and critique, develop a revision plan, or I can do one-time feedback or editing.
For every true story, there are multiple seemingly opposing ones: you’re the star in your own movie, the villain in someone else’s, the goofy sidekick in another, a walk on part here, a major player there. It’s hard to hold the idea that truth is in the convergence of these stories, harder still to remain kind, forgiving, curious, and vulnerable in the places where our stories crash into other people's. How do ego and fear trigger our self-protective habits, ones that limit our vision, so we can’t see what might be possible? We belong to each other, past, present, & future. We can only heal as much as we are willing to help others in their healing.

Whole generations believed you kept silent about feelings, trauma, suffering. Silence and secrets were seen almost as virtues. Looking through old family photos this negative of a child on a swing reminds me that it’s not just the happy memories we need to remember. It may be the dark ones that open us to a fuller, more compassionate understanding of ourselves. "We grow through what we’ve gone through" only really works if we enter the pain. And believe we will come out the other side. A friend said he wonders if we can ever really heal, but maybe we can keep the wounds from getting bigger. Or passing them on.
Hurt people hurt people,
& Healed people heal people.
Hurt people hurt people,
& Healed people heal people.